Accentize dxRevive Pro Triumphs in Dialogue Restoration Plugin Shootout

Dialogue Restoration shootout

The quest for clean, natural-sounding dialogue remains a paramount goal for professionals in the field. There’s no doubt that the quality of available noise reduction tools to help meet that demand is better than ever. So much so, the Production Expert blog recently conducted a listening test of dialogue restoration plugins, pitting several industry heavyweights against each other, including our very own dxRevive Pro, to test which performed best in terms of noise reduction.

The shootout, which was developed by Production Expert’s resident Post Production writer, Paul Maunder, featured four tests, each with a different noise ‘issue’ commonly derived from location recordings – cicadas, broadband noise, hum and roadside traffic. Readers of the blog had to listen to each example and vote for the one they felt sounded the ‘best’.

We are very proud to reveal that in this test, dxRevive Pro emerged as the overall champion, outperforming competitors such as Waves Clarity VX, iZotope RX Dialogue Isolate, Acon Digital Extract: Dialogue, Supertone CLEAR, and Hush Pro.

Our plugin received the most votes overall, coming out particularly high in the Cicadas, Hum and Roadside Traffic examples.

Want to try out the test for yourself? Head over to the Production Expert blog here to listen and vote.

dxRevive Pro GUI

What Is dxRevive Pro?

dxRevive Pro is a speech restoration plug-in that goes beyond mere noise and reverb removal with capabilities that extend to reintegrating missing frequency components, eliminating codec artifacts, recovering clipped audio and restoring band-limited audio like phone calls.

The outcome is not only audibly ‘cleaner’ dialogue recordings but a restoration that brings back lost clarity and tone, resulting in an enriched quality that was previously near-impossible to achieve so easily.  This versatility makes dxRevive Pro an ideal solution for addressing a spectrum of common audio issues, including challenges in location recordings, historical interviews, and more. Check out our video below to see and hear it in action!

dxRevive Pro is available alongside its sibling dxRevive – a more streamlined version which is perfect for podcast editors and content creators. Try them for free today!